
Posted in Uncategorized on June 30th, 2013 by LianaIlia

The dark clouds form,
over an empty sky,
it starts to let loose,
all of the moisture,

the droplets of water,
gently fall down,
brining about life,
brightening the world,

the clouds dissipate,
sun rays shine through,
creating a rainbow,
melting the darkness away,

as the sun sets,
it glimmers off,
a single raindrop,
falling off a leaf.

Gloomy Weather

Posted in Uncategorized on June 30th, 2013 by LianaIlia

The times are gloomy,
they melt away,
as the rain falls,
the sun is gone,

Some might say,
that gloomy weather,
is rainy and misty,
but not me,

Crack of lightning,
strike of thunder,
sounds through the sky,
as clouds loom over,

Mist rises,
forms a cast,
of dancing shadows,
in the rain,

Stormy weather,
is never gloomy.


Posted in Uncategorized on June 30th, 2013 by LianaIlia

Golden rays begin,
as the sun goes down,
its beauty is striking,
deep reds and pinks start,

All the colors come together,
in a rainbow of awe,
so beautiful it brings tears,
that shine in the sun,

When it finally dims down,
the colors fade,
and the beautiful night begins,
the stars and moon sparkle,

When the sun sets,
its beauty is unimaginable,
and remains in the heart.


Posted in Uncategorized on June 30th, 2013 by LianaIlia






Shining Hope

Posted in Uncategorized on June 30th, 2013 by LianaIlia

As the morningless night begins,
there seems to be no hope,
as the travelers continue,
through the unending dark,

The sky looms overhead,
whispering words of sadness,
as the dead seem to be calling,
towards the living in this town,

The travelers keep moving forward,
but searching seems useless,
as there is no light,
no light to crack through the dark,

But just then,
a shimmer, a small hope,
shatters the walls around them,
rays beaming through the blue sky,

Their journey has ended,
they found what they were searching for,
the light that seemed lost,
has reached their very souls.

Angel Caught in the Rain

Posted in Uncategorized on August 28th, 2012 by LianaIlia

like an angel caught in the rain,

sadness overwhelms, brings tears,
destroys evil,
rain washes it away,
pouring down,

damp all around,
a light shines,
an angel flies,
wings stuck,

cannot move or flutter,
fluttering rapidly,
like something caught,
rain keeps coming, keeps on,

nothing matters,
wings flap,

an angel cries out,
like it is stuck in the rain.

Love Struck

Posted in Uncategorized on February 25th, 2012 by LianaIlia

Being in love,

is sometimes not easy,

it can tear one apart,

rip them to shreds,
the pieces are left,

so is the heart,

but it is no longer,

what it used to be,
memories of joy,

but also sadness,

fill the void,

of being in love,
love struck,

is something common,

but can be painful,

since it is love.

Silent City

Posted in Uncategorized on December 19th, 2011 by LianaIlia

When the sun goes down,

on the city,

everything becomes silent,

it is so still,
This silent city,

is home to many,

but can become,

so peaceful and serene,
After dark,

the lights go out,

everyone is asleep,

just like the city,
This silent city,

holds so much,

but is so quiet,

it is beautiful.

Memories Long Forgotten

Posted in Uncategorized on December 19th, 2011 by LianaIlia

Someone’s dreaming,

and dreams are memories,

but what do they mean?

that is the wonder,

Sometimes a thought,

will appear in the mind,

but it will bring on,

those memories long forgotten,
A town is just a town,

with nobody inside,

to create memories,

and lives of happiness,
Something in the mind triggers,

when one forgets,

these memories long forgotten.

Pen to Paper

Posted in Uncategorized on September 15th, 2011 by LianaIlia

Ideas will come to pass,

but the ones that will stick,

are the ones written,

because they resemble words,
the words on a page,

are only ideas,

conceived by the mind,

in the depths of one’s soul,
putting pen to paper,

now that’s the difficult part,

ideas may flow,

but some are never written,
it is a task not to be taken lightly,

since it will be set in stone,

the second those words,

come from the pen that’s put to paper.