The Darkness

Posted in Series of Destruction on June 30th, 2015 by LianaIlia

This thing that haunts,
isn’t fear,
It isn’t loathing or hatred,
It’s something else,

It surrounds us,
Consumes us,
makes enemies,
And toys with them,

It is most dominant,
During the night,
When the lights,
Are all snuffed out,

That’s what this does,
It shuts out light, life,
Happiness and love,
It is… darkness.

The Light

Posted in Series of Destruction on June 30th, 2015 by LianaIlia

The thing that brightens,
our way,
Isn’t power or strength,
It is love,

Something different,
Is always a good thing,
Even the light,
In lightning is good,

Light surrounds,
Our entire being,
Our soul is light,
That fuels us,

It is in every object,
No matter how small,
Every creature,
No matter how large,

It is the light,
That we strive for,
Not the darkness,
The light fights it off.


Posted in Spirit Series on June 30th, 2015 by LianaIlia

When Spring starts,
everything begins to flower,
petals in the air,
bring a sweet smell,

It is the smell of Spring,
when it all comes alive,
trees bustle in the wind,
small creatures emerge again,

Birds sing so sweetly,
there is nothing quite like,
a beautiful song,
when the sun rises,

Life, earth,
it’s all connected,
on this planet,
of living things,

Nature is pure,
as a river flowing,
as a flower blooming.

Rose in the Dark

Posted in Shadow Lies Within Series on June 30th, 2015 by LianaIlia

The light that we all seek,
is shrouded in darkness,
so we must fight,
to survive the dark,

The bleak, dying world,
shimmers with black,
until suddenly a rose,
starts to bloom,

The rose is red,
but then it opens,
into a brilliant purple,
it is magnificent,

We must protect,
the one beacon of hope,
the rose,
that bloomed in the darkness.

Reason for Living

Posted in Uncategorized on June 30th, 2015 by LianaIlia

This world we live in,
why is it so harsh?
to the nicest of us?
we endure so much,

it takes a lot of this,
to survive to fight,
this cold reality,

When will it be okay?
probably never,
when will it stop hurting,
to even breathe?

These are questions,
we must carry silently,
we must let emotions come,
even if it is fear, anger,

This world has wonderful things,
we have to remember that,
we were put here for a reason,
so we must go on until we find it.

Photographs of Memories

Posted in Shadow Lies Within Series on June 30th, 2015 by LianaIlia

This place is like a memory,
it can be forgotten,
but can be pictured,

This photograph,
that never fades,
is one of my favorites,
to this day,

Bring your photos,
put them in a box,
now it is a box,
of memories,

We lie one life,
so we take pictures,
so someone else can wonder,
who we once were,

The photos are forever,
they never fade,
they are our precious memories,
to this day.

Old House

Posted in Uncategorized on June 30th, 2015 by LianaIlia

It’s almost 3 a.m.,
I am wide awake,
listening to the sounds,
of this old house,

creak and crick,
crack and break,
the walls are tearing,
wallpaper pealing,

this house is old,
it bore many memories,
can it hold more?
of course,

when it finally comes time,
for the house to sleep,
we will gather ‘round,
and listen.

Nothing Around Me

Posted in Series of Destruction on June 30th, 2015 by LianaIlia

This pain that encompasses me,
It takes a hold and does not let go,
Like something wrapping around my body,
And then releasing and tightening,

It is here to stay,
this soul that I have,
so why is it always tormented?
by things unseen but always felt?

I am trapped here,
there is no way out,
no way for me to crawl,
out of this dark, dank pit,

This is spiraling out of control,
unless it is just me,
I can’t grasp a situation,
The pain is too much,

Slowly hearing the bells,
Eyes open slowly to darkness,
Am I dead?
There is nothing around me… nothing around me.

Music of Angels

Posted in Uncategorized on June 30th, 2015 by LianaIlia

When one hears music,
an absolute beautiful tune,
it stays with you,
to the end of time,

It is as if an angel,
starts to sing,
or a violin,
plays so extravagantly,

The music begins,
the curtains rise,
lights flood the room,
on the darkness,

Music is light,
light which plays,
dances on air,
waltzes to the quartet,

Singing of perfection,
getting that right pitch,
is pure beauty,
that’s the music of angels.


Posted in Spirit Series on June 30th, 2015 by LianaIlia

This needs to happen,
as in,
not later, after, in the future,

Life can be difficult,
believe me, I know,
but there are ups,
have faith,

When we lose hope,
it is when we falter,
we stagger, lose our way,
until someone finds us,

do not worry,
it will all come into play,
the pieces will fit,

Hush, be still,
for good will come,
just be patient,
and wait.