Thunderstorms and Rain

Posted in Spirit Series on January 9th, 2015 by LianaIlia

This thundering force,
that comes down in a sudden,
ravenous form,
of something that gives life,

Sometimes it can be scary,
looking outside, to the rain,
since it is coming down in sheets,
but it helps things grow,

Without it,
the world would be barren,
a wasteland, f
illed with despair,

Then the rolling thunder starts,
a flicker in the sky,
tells that rain is on its way,
to make the world whole again,

Thunderstorms come and go,
but rain is always precious,
and it should be recognized,
for it creates life, not destroys.

The Light Breaks Through

Posted in Shadow Lies Within Series on January 9th, 2015 by LianaIlia

There is this little place,
deep inside my mind,
where everything is dark,
until this little crack shines the light,

It cracks just a little bit at first,
and then in a flash,
everything is glittering,
shimmering with light,

The darkness is gone,
there is only light,
searing, golden,
beautiful sparkles,

The shimmering,
glaring, into your eyes,
into your soul,
it pours the light,

My mind,
is now at peace,
it is no longer,
ravaged by darkness, nor pain,

This place is peaceful,
it is pure,
not dark at all,
no, not dark in the least.

Stained Glass Angel

Posted in Uncategorized on January 9th, 2015 by LianaIlia

When she walks into the light,
her dress glows,
vibrant blues,
as if a window to the sky,

Her wings shimmer,
as the rays shine down,
upon the stained glass,
with brilliant colors,

Rays beam down.
as the angel flies,
through the clouds,
floating effortlessly,

As her dress flutters,
a rainbow appears,
for she is the only,
stained glass angel.

Snow Fall

Posted in Spirit Series on January 9th, 2015 by LianaIlia

When the snow,
blankets the road,
and the trees are covered,
just so that they look white,

It is serene,
in the winter,
when there is just,
a gentle snow fall,

There is a sense of stillness,
a calm,
that can only be known,
at this time,

The earth,
is dead,
but only for now,
until the spring,

When the plants and trees,
start to grow again,
so winter needs to happen,
and the snow.


Posted in Series of Destruction on January 9th, 2015 by LianaIlia

This inevitable thing,
we call death,
is calling me,
through this pain,

Going down a path,
of rough road,
tangled in trees,
is my life,

Will I be free?
free from pain,
from hate, from life?
I need relief,

When will it come?
at the very end,
of that twisting road?
it seems impossible,

To live after this,
when will it come?
the relief?

Rain’s Purpose

Posted in Spirit Series on January 9th, 2015 by LianaIlia

The cold rain,
that beats down on me,
does not care,
that it is cold,

Rain comes from the clouds,
from the light sky,
not the darkness,
but the clouds are dark,

The night rain is the best,
because it’s barely seen,
it hides,
in the night sky,

But it still helps the earth,
to grow its plants and us,
to sustain life,
is the rain’s purpose,

Rain is majestic,
with the beautiful sound it makes,
to a downpour in a storm,
it has a purpose.


Posted in Spirit Series on January 9th, 2015 by LianaIlia

This world,
to be,
but once,
it strives,
to be,
the wonderful,
and rain,
to spring,
into all.

Human Strength

Posted in Uncategorized on January 9th, 2015 by LianaIlia

We are all human,
until we turn dark,
and the dark won’t let go,
because it is too strong,

The darkness’ grip,
will use a strangle hold,
and won’t let go,
until we diminish,

It’s like a power unknown,
yet familiar,
built a wall,
around our aura,

Our will sometimes,
is very strong,
but not strong enough,
to destroy evil,

What do we, humans, strive for?
is it pain and suffering?
or the power to win,
against unwavering odds?

Hana Protector

Posted in Uncategorized on January 9th, 2015 by LianaIlia

A girl looks up,
To a dying world
it’s very cold,

she reaches out a hand,
something shimmers,
a flower unfolds,
in her palm,

as she starts to walk,
angel wings appear,
behind her,
with a trail of petals,

she will reach,
that one place,
where the flowers,
still grow,

since she is an angel,
that protects flowers.


Posted in Shadow Lies Within Series on January 9th, 2015 by LianaIlia

This life,
it is tearing at me,
breaking me,
pain is beginning,

Time is irrelevant here,
when it is so still,
I could hear my heart,
and it breaks,

Under pressure,
it feels so surreal,
like it’s all a dream,
all fake,

What is life?
blood? Love? Anger?
pain and torment,
ravage on,

When will it end?
this death, suffering?
when can we finally,
enjoy life?