Falling Shadow

Posted in Uncategorized on February 8th, 2010 by LianaIlia


The life I left behind,

Is still within me,

I feel it always,

Sometimes I cry,

Out of the darkness,

The deep, drowning stillness,

That enters my soul,


Tell me why I am here,

The night calls,

But I want to stay here,

My life is nothing,

It is an empty shell,

Because I have no love,

And no one loves me,

I am sleeping,

Never waking up,

From this nightmare,

Of shadow and fear,

Please save me,

Someone come,

To rescue me from pain,

The pain… it hurts so much.

Falling Apart

Posted in Uncategorized on February 8th, 2010 by LianaIlia

Time falls away,

Love disappears,

Everything is gone,

But something lingers,

Feeling tired I go to bed,

I close my eyes, but I can’t sleep,

I think of all the things you’ve said,

I know that I’m falling apart,

Why does everything stay?

Everyday is different,

If you listen you can say,

What you have on your mind,

And you’re falling, falling apart,

Everything’s fading away,

Now I wish you were gone,

And not here, in this way,

I’m falling, falling apart… crying.


Posted in Uncategorized on February 8th, 2010 by LianaIlia

Don’t you know?

You’re a failure,

And you can’t help that,

But that’s what I love,

I’m failing with love,

Nobody wants me,

So I’ll just give up,

Until you came along,

You showed me,

That being a failure,

Just doesn’t mean giving up,

You showed me love,

I’m not failing anymore,

Because I love you,

And that’s what keeps me going,

So don’t fail anymore,

I’m failing,

But you hold me back up,

And I try again,

To be myself and try harder.

Eye Drops Off Shelf

Posted in Uncategorized on February 8th, 2010 by LianaIlia

I looked over to my shelf,

And saw someone’s eye,

I screamed,

And ran,

I accidently,

Ran into a lamp,

The eye dropped off my shelf,

And followed me down the hall,

When I ran down the steps,

The eye still followed,

Until I screamed: ‘why is this happening?’

Then the eye stopped,

It looked up at me,

Then at my mom,

She said,

‘it was the eye of your grandfather,’

I blink, ‘just kidding,’ she said,

It made me fall.


Posted in Uncategorized on February 8th, 2010 by LianaIlia

Sometimes I feel like I’m breaking up

Sometimes I feel like you’re here,

But you are not, but you are not,

Please come back to me! Please come and save me!

Everyday I want to touch you, oh

Everyday I want to see you, ooo

I want so much to be with you,

But it isn’t possible, is it?

Sometimes my dreams break into tiny pieces,

My dreams with you, and someone else,

Why do you have to leave?

Can’t you stay here by my side?

Everyday I want to touch you, oh

Everyday I want to see you, ooo

I want so much to be with you,

But it isn’t possible, is it?


Everyday can’t be possible anymore,

When you’re not here to comfort me,

Please tell me when you’ll come back,

Someday I’ll have you’re heart again…

Everyday I cry about your loss

But it’ll be alright, don’t worry, my love…

Everyday I want to touch you, oh

Everyday I want to see you, ooo

I want so much to be with you,

But it isn’t possible, is it?

Empty Street

Posted in Uncategorized on February 8th, 2010 by LianaIlia


there is a road,

where we may travel,

or we can take another path,

this is the empty street,

of our life,

our destiny lies here,

but will you follow?

there are no sounds,

no people of any kind,

no signs of life,

on this empty road,


here is our path,

it splits in two,

but it is still empty, desolate,

it makes a way for our future,

our fate,

what lies ahead, is up to us,

and we must take this opportunity,

why must we travel?

and find our way?

this road twists and turns,

and it leads no where,

what lies in this empty street?

will it lead to freedom?

or death?

you decide.

Edge of Destruction

Posted in Uncategorized on February 8th, 2010 by LianaIlia

Blood, flowing,


Dying each day,

Paying for the price,

Seeing yourself as someone else,

Everyone can tell,

You are hiding,

On the edge of destruction

Tides wash away your sorrow,

But there is still anger,

You never sink that low,

What will you find there?

Seeing yourself in the mirror,

Everyone is the one,

You see the horror,

In the edge of destruction

Blood running, you’re running,

To the edge of destruction.

Dying Soul

Posted in Uncategorized on February 8th, 2010 by LianaIlia

This world may collapse around me,

But you will be here,

At my side forever,

Because I will always love you,

This pain may kill me,

But I will know,

That you will rescue me,

From all this evil surrounding me,

Tell me that it will be okay,

That I’m not going crazy,

And that you will always,

Love me like I love you,

Stay here, don’t leave,

So that I can hold,

Every part of you,

Your heart, soul, body and mind,

You’re beautiful, that is true,

For I know what you are,

And I love only that,

I love you.


Posted in Uncategorized on February 8th, 2010 by LianaIlia

Yes, driving me crazy,

It’s what you do best,

So I get into my car,

And drive away,

Then again you stare,

Into my eyes from your seat,

On the other site of me,

That wants to scream at you,

Your eyes drive me crazy,

Because they’re so beautiful,

The only good thing about you,

Are those eyes,

Please stop,

Driving away is all I do,

To get away from you,

Because it’s the only way,

But still you’re there,

In the passagner seat,

Holding onto your life,

And I want to scream.

Drifting Far

Posted in Uncategorized on February 8th, 2010 by LianaIlia

The one I thought was near,

has been slowly,

drifting out of reach,

now they are over the horizon,

It seems like all a dream,

what we had,

but now it is going away,

slowly tearing away from me,

Why is this happening?

I feel my heart aching,

every part of me screams,

why don’t they understand?

It’s so complicated,

so irrational, I don’t know what to do,

someone please tell me,

before the drifting continues,

Everything is growing black now,

slowly fading away,

my memory of them spilling,

onto the cold, cold floor,

Something which was once precious,

is now drifting far,

away from you and me,

away from this plain of existence.