Happy Birthday?

Posted in Uncategorized on February 8th, 2010 by LianaIlia

It’s my birthday,

But why do I feel so empty?

It’s like you’re not,

Even listening,

It doesn’t make sense,

I should be happy,

But something’s not right,

The fact that I’m older,

Sometimes I want to fly,

Away from this life,

So that I can be happy,

And not suffer anymore,

Please tell me something,

Am I too crazy?

Or should I be this way?

Because it’s my birthday.


Posted in Uncategorized on February 8th, 2010 by LianaIlia

Days gone by,

Endless streams of passion,

Dying with each breath,

Nameless and confused,

Please tell me your dream,

Tell me your truth, your love,

Everyone is waiting,

Show me into your heart,

Time flies by every second,

When I’m with you,

But I always wonder,

What if you were gone?

Say you won’t leave,

Say you will love me,

And never go away,

That’s what I feel…

That’s what I feel


Posted in Uncategorized on February 8th, 2010 by LianaIlia

My life is falling apart,

Falling on your ground,

Asking you to put me back together would break my heart,

So why don’t you hold what you found?

I want you to know that I am always here,

No matter what you think of me,

I can always be there,

In you dreams you will see…

The beauty that you hold in your life,

But I know one thing’s true,

That this means no strife,

So why don’t you go too?

Everyday I find that it gets harder,

I fight and I fight but it’s no use,

I can’t go any futher,

You don’t have to be so obtuse…

I want you to know that I am always here,

No matter what you do,

I will not shed a tear,

I will be with you to…

Fly to our dreams and complete our life,

So die if you have to,

But I’ll keep on this life,

And keep what is true…

I want you to know that I am always here,

No matter what you think of me,

I can always be there,

In you dreams you will see…

The beauty that you hold in your life,

But I know one thing’s true,

That this means no strife,

So why don’t you go too?


Posted in Uncategorized on February 8th, 2010 by LianaIlia

If I did not have friends,

I don’t know what I would do,

friends are important,

that I know,

everyone should have someone,

that they can turn to,

so they have a listener,

if things get bad,

friends have fun as well,

and that’s what’s important,

to laugh and cry together,

to be there for each other,

and be able to go through anything,

no matter what,

that is what friendship means to me,

I love my friends.


Posted in Uncategorized on February 8th, 2010 by LianaIlia

I cannot explain my emotions in words,

But I want to say I’m sorry,

For everything I’ve done to you,

For all the times I hated you,

Please… forgive me,

I beg of you this much,

I want your touch,

My heart is already broken,

I’m sad inside and out,

I just want to shout,

Why can’t I have this?

All I want is one kiss,

I’m so sorry now,

I wish my life were better,

But you’ll just have to live,

With who I am,

Please… forgive me,

I want your love back,

I need you not to flee,

And leave my heart in tact.


Posted in Uncategorized on February 8th, 2010 by LianaIlia

I’m running,

Fast down the road,

Why can’t I stop?

Why can’t you?

I want to know,

Do you love me?

Or are you just there,

To ease the pain?

I am tired,

Of fleeing from my fears,

I feel that I am missing,


Today will be the day,

I will learn to jump,

Learn to fly,

Before I die again,

That’s why I want you,

To hold you while you fly,

You will be my guide,

Through the light,

I am tired,

Of fleeing from my fears,

I feel that I am missing,


I am tired,

Of fleeing from my fears,

I feel that I am missing,


Feeling Pain

Posted in Uncategorized on February 8th, 2010 by LianaIlia

Everything is painful,

Your look, your eyes,

I know you will return,

But I am told that’s a lie,

When I think of you,

I want to forget,

But I just can’t,

And that’s what I regret,

Feeling pain all over,

It’s like being alone,

When you’re really not,

I know you’re the one,

Please stop this bleeding,

It’s hurting me,

Like you are here,

But it’s you I can not see.

Fearful of Love

Posted in Uncategorized on February 8th, 2010 by LianaIlia

Sometimes I fear,

Even though you are here,

Protecting me at my side,

But at your command I will not abide,

Why am I so fearful of this?

I can’t even look above,

Will I ever be able to stand your kiss?

I’m so fearful of love, fearful of love,

Why is it that when I’m near you,

I can’t be all that true,

Somewhere I can see your eyes,

I can see through the lies,

Why am I so fearful of this?

I can’t even look above,

Will I ever be able to stand your kiss?

I’m so fearful of love, fearful of love,

Why am I so fearful of this?

I can’t even look above,

Will I ever be able to stand your kiss?

I’m so fearful of love, fearful of love,

This can’t be happening, can it?

I don’t want this,

Ignorance is really bliss,

I can see my time is up, is it?

Why am I so fearful of this?

I can’t even look above,

Will I ever be able to stand your kiss?

I’m so fearful of love, fearful of love.


Posted in Uncategorized on February 8th, 2010 by LianaIlia

All I feel is afraid,

Afraid of you and the world,

Of what you said,

And of what I’m told,

Please free me,

From everything and then,

I’ll be happy,

This is not the end,

See what I’m feeling,

I’m shaking with fright,

And you are staring,

Out of my reach and sight,

Know one true thing,

That love conquers fear,

And I am loving,

Even all of your tears.

Falling Tears

Posted in Uncategorized on February 8th, 2010 by LianaIlia


Of sadness, of pain,

Fall down my cheeks,

Over again,

Take me away,

Into your arms,

But not,

Into harm,


Falling always,

Never fading,

Only some days,

Take them away,

Away from me,

But not,

Where I can see,


Of sadness, of joy,

Fall down my cheeks,

It’s not joy.