
Posted in Uncategorized on February 9th, 2010 by LianaIlia

I take pictures of myself,

What is wrong with me?

Please tell yourself,

To get rid of me,

By my day I’m gone,

By my pictures I’m fading,

Everyday I’m on,

The drugs that you bring,

Sometimes I can hold,

Everything in my heart,

Pictures are a thousand words,

So what’s at the start?

By my day I’m dead,

By my pictures I’m gone and tired,

What’s in your head,

You are fired,

I take pictures of myself,

What’s wrong with me?


Posted in Uncategorized on February 9th, 2010 by LianaIlia

Dies, my heart dies,

Your lies,

The pain of spears,

The power of fear, love,

Heartache the day before,

People falling,

On their knees,

Me, my mind,


My power, locked inside,


Can’t it be the same,

Dreams of beauty,

What is passion?

It takes control,

Try to move,

Can’t get out, locked away without a key,


Your eyes and your face.


Posted in Uncategorized on February 9th, 2010 by LianaIlia

Did the rain stop the pain?

Or is it still swelling?

Die, everyone disappear,

Forever from my memory,

The wind blows in my hair,

You pierce my soul,

What were you thinking?

Blood runs down your sword,

Smiles turn to dust,

They blow away into the mist,

Death and destruction,

Pain and suffering of my life,

My eyes are red from tears,

All of my dreams and fears,

Are here in my soul,

For you are glaring at me…

With my violin I play this tune,

Of sadness and sorrow,

And watch you die,

And watch you die.

Out of Reach

Posted in Uncategorized on February 9th, 2010 by LianaIlia

I don’t know what to do,

I’m heart broken,

Even though I’ve never been loved,

Because I can’t tell him… that I love him,

He’s so out of my reach,

It’s not possible for him to see me,

Because it would kill me when he left,

He’s so far away,

Sometimes I catch myself,

Thinking about him,

But it’s useless I know,

But I’m so lonely,

My heart aches,

It longs to be loved,

It bleeds with pain and sorrow,

This passion that I seek,

He’s so out of reach,

I wait for him to come,

But he never does,

Because it would kill me when he says goodbye, goodbye.


Posted in Uncategorized on February 9th, 2010 by LianaIlia

The pain of loss,

What’s the cost?

She only knows,

The girl that’s in pain,

Her name is Ora,

She wears a sword,

That took many lives,

But was that right?

Ora, why do you cry?

Why are you in despair?

It was right, it was right,

But you still killed,

Even your hear trembles,

When you mention her,

Ora of worlds,

Time means everything.

No One

Posted in Uncategorized on February 9th, 2010 by LianaIlia

Time is flying by,

Every time I look outside,

My life is flying,

It is going so fast,

This life is hectic,

But it is what it is,

So I have to deal,

Or it will end,

Sometimes I feel empty,

Like nothing has happened,

But it already has,

It’s just how I feel,

It’s called loneliness,

Because I have no one,

No one to comfort me,

No one to love me,

Everyone to hate me,

I hate myself sometimes,

For this reason,

It is me, though.

No Love

Posted in Uncategorized on February 9th, 2010 by LianaIlia

I have not a single,

drop of blood,

that loves you,

or anyone else,

it courses through my veins,

the blood of hate,

not love,

because that’s who I am,

I have no love,

no love to spare,

not even an ounce,

a spec of love to give,

you took it all out of me,

squeezed me dry,

shook my soul of that passion,

of that which made me whole,

please give my heart back,

give it all back,

because I don’t want ‘no love.’

Not Alive

Posted in Uncategorized on February 9th, 2010 by LianaIlia

I don’t feel anything,

Tell me something,

Anything to make me believe,

That I’m alive,

I can’t feel you,

Does that mean,

That I’m not alive?

I can’t even speak,

These words can’t reach,

My lips are sealed,

And I’m lying here,

All alone and cold,

Say some kind of proof,

If you don’t I’ll cry,

And then I’ll disappear,

Because I’ll be not alive,

I hear music somewhere,

But I can not sing,

Because my mouth won’t move,

And I’m not alive….

Not alive!

Nameless Poem

Posted in Uncategorized on February 9th, 2010 by LianaIlia

Please don’t go,

I want you so bad,

But you walk away,

So slowly out of my life,

I love you,

But you won’t stay,

I need you,

But you turn away,

Lalala, it’s all my fault,

I’m to blame,

Even though you’re the one who left,

I am the reason,

Please let me dry your tears,

Let me be there,

When you are sad and down,

I will cheer you up,

Lalala, please don’t cry,

For you will live on,

And I will fade away,

Into the stillness of the night.

My World

Posted in Uncategorized on February 9th, 2010 by LianaIlia

My world,

Has no fear,

Has no tears,

Is not depressing,

Is not digressing,

My world,

Sees no lies,

Does not die,

Has  beauty,

Has simplicity,

My world,

Knows no future,

Knows no torture,

No pain,

Knows no pain,

And it all comes to an end,

When my only friend,

Says goodbye,

Then I have to die,

That’s my world,

Tragic… isn’t it?