Why Me?

How in the world,

Did you think I was worthy,

Of your love?

I scream ‘why?’

Why me? Why did you ever pick me?

Anyone else is more beautiful,

More able to love,

Do you want to be hurt?


Yes, I’m in pain,

My heart is aching,

Please don’t come closer,

You will be in pain too,

Share this world with me,

Please ask yourself why?

Why did you choose me,

Out of all the others?

Please tell me the truth,

Am I really that beautiful,

Beneath all of the ugliness,

You find beauty,

Sometimes I sit in the dark,

Praying that you won’t,

Protect me, from this world,

That haunts the both of us,

You are beautiful, I am ugly,

Together we laugh at humanity,

And share our deepest secrets,

And our deepest feelings.

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